miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011

indoor/s - guarda forestal

indoor /'ɪndɔ:r / || /'ɪndɔ:(r)/ adjetivo (before n
clothes/shoespara estar en casa;
plantsde interior(es);
swimming poolcubierto, techado;
~ games deportes mpl bajo te
indoors [ɪn'dɔ:z] adverbio
1   (situación) dentro (de casa): they played indoors, jugaron en casa
2   (movimiento) hacia dentro
3 dentro, adentro (esp AmL);
4 to stay ~ quedarse (a)dentro;
5 let's go ~ entremos
a  smf 
1  (=vigilante)  [+de parque, cementerio] keeper 
[+de edificio] 
security guard 
 guarda de caza, guarda de coto gamekeeper 
 guarda de dique lock keeper 
 guarda de pesca water bailiff, fish (and game) warden  (EEUU)  
 guarda de seguridad security guard 
 guarda fluvial water bailiff 
 guarda forestal   (forest) ranger 
 guarda jurado (armed) security guard


26 comentarios:

  1. Hi! There are a lot of "guardias" here, I think. Perhaps very much. But in my village now, there are thieves in the nigth everyday.
    Are they more clever? why don´t put under arrest. I am a judge, you know. They can bring me the clevers and I send them to the prison quickly.
    This is joke because I am judge only in my house when my daughter hit my son, Then he say me: Dad, dad my sister hit me please help me.
    Good night since new york.
    sleep you well. Bay

  2. Where are the people? I am alone here.
    There are anyone! Anyone want to write with me in this block.I am very unhappy because this.
    I need someone that write with me.
    I have to speak with the Royal Bank of America the last week and said me that it has a 1.000.000 of € for the first person that write here eleven lines en English without spelling mistakes. But the times run and only is valid until to february end.
    Come on!, lest go! The times finish.
    There are a wonderful times in Wisconsin today.
    See you tomorrov. Good by.

  3. Nobody seems to feel like writing but keep trying, maybe you make them write. Have fun in Wisconsin.


  4. Help! Help!
    Can I have one conversation with someone?
    I am the Captain Supergabi to the second space squadron of the United States of America in the year 2.846, I arrive today in my spaceship and don't meeting nothing. All my crew are dead because illness. There is life on the earth? Where are the people? Maybe they are underearth, underwater in the sea. I don't know. There are not birds, there are not trees. What do you maked here? Don't can to leave you alone.
    I remember the citys, the rivers and I want to cry.
    I go back to my house in Andrómeda Galaxi only 33.789 ligth year.

  5. Hello Super Gab!, you don't stay alone!. I'm here listening you. But I have a big problem, my conversation is less interesting than yours. Anyway, I'm waiting for you. Bye

  6. You are right when you say that is difficult to publish here. My name is Chus, and I appear like alonsoarratia, my e-mail. Well, It's the same. There's no matter. Bye.

  7. Great!! two people already, this is getting better and better. By the end of the year we´ll maybe be 3 or 4, lol.

  8. Don't expect so much. The people are shy, me too, but I think it's funny, and it's a good way to practice English, when I speak my brain is blocked.
    By the way, your classes are very entertaining, thanks. See you next Tuesday!.

  9. What see my eyes? There are life in here! Perhaps I am to dream now.Welcome to the wonderful virtual country. You are really brave couse write without afraid. Congratulations.
    The last week I was a race horse rider (anyone belive me), but my best horse "Imperioso" jump me to the ground becouse was a beautiful mare. Then I don't speak him. I don't know still why it maked this nonsense. Never I will it forgive couse I have three breaks ribs. I must to leave you. bye.

  10. I feel you aren't well. Yes, I believe you are a good horse rider. It's an interesting job. And the next day, will you be an astronaut, a translator again? You always surprise us. Whatever, I'm pleased to stay here. See you.

  11. Good morning from Kentucky, I am to look for a new horse quickly because I have the more important rice this year. I wait to find a horse which run like the wind but here all the horse are very expensive and everybody want give me the more old. I see theirs teeth and then they say me only has five year, but I know this isn't true. Now I am with a beautiful indian horse with white,black y browm hair but his owner don't want to sell me. I don't now how can I to give him. I will tell you tomorrov.
    Good bye.

  12. Good evening, I stay at home, I can't travel too far away, you are a lucky boy. My boss can't allow to go anywhere. but if I see a good and cheap horse, I say you. Good luck on your search. I hope you win one or two races, at least. Bye.

  13. Hello Super Gab, What's the matter with you? Are you lost or in the jail? You have left me alone. If you want I organize a group to look for you. Perhaps you need a good lawyer. Tell me something!

  14. Super Gab, if you want we meet in another place the next time. This location is full of answers.

  15. No more money! The owner of the indian horse want I married his daugther tomorrow in the morning. She is seventy years old and she's in love with me. I am in prison and the best lawyer can't help me. Perhaps I will can to escape this nigth while everybady sleep. If I cannot to escape, please Tell my family this history.
    Good bye.

  16. Don't worry, I tell your family all the history.
    Maybe I could send you some help. Do you need an helicopter? I could ask for one to my boss. I look for your news. Bye.

  17. Good afternoon, I am the next indian sioux boos, my wife is the grandgranddougther of sitting bull. Her name is "Estrella del amanecer", she is seventy years old, and has a long straigth gray hair witn biautiful darks eyes and a since face. She wnats to have a lot of children with me. The last nigth all the women of the tribe came with me and play and play. they paint my face with a lot of colours, take my clothes. So they say me how I can to do happy my indian wife. I don't have words, there are not. Maybe I can to be happy here. I don't know. The time will say.
    Say you later.

  18. I say good bye everybody, by the moment. My computer is too old and I'm going to take it to the computer shop. I don't know how much time I'm going to stay without comunication. I hope it will be soon, maybe tomorrow. See you.

  19. What a pity you can't to write me. Another times alone here. I will wait your new comunication impatient. I go to ride my new indian horse with my wife "white star of morning". She's going stay alive because the last night. Very luck in your search. I will watch my computer everyday. I miss you.

  20. Hello!! The computer shop was closed, so I have computer this week end. I'm thinking about travelling to Johanesburg in South Africa, my boss has a big house there, he´s a jeweller, he does business with diamonds and gold. In South Africa is summer now. Here it´s too cold, and I need the warm sun . The next time I say you more things. Bye.

  21. Wow, what interesting job! Also you can say there... I am Spanish, Spanish, Spanish! like in the world champion leage. You know.

    You can too to speak with the bantú family, do you remember? When I was a children, my mother give me a card game with the mexican, china, bantú, eskimo, arab, indian and tiroles family and you must to put all the family toguether. What good wishes!

    You are magic because you can write in here without computer. I am sure you are a lot of powers hidden.

    I am very happy you are here with me. I thinked you can`t write nothing some days.

    Before you go to the south Africa, you must to take an injection because the sleep mosquito. To be carefull.

    See you tomorrow.

  22. I remenber the cards with the families. Our generation liked to play with this game.
    About the malaria vaccine, don´t worry I just do it.
    You are right I´ve got a hidden power. But you must protect my secret. It can be dangerous. I can't continue writing, somebody is coming...

  23. Of course! I don't will speak with anyone about your hidden power. You can to be well sure cause I promise you this.

    Now, I gould like to know how do you think to go South Africa. Do you go by car, plane, chip? or maybe you think to go wolking and wolking.

    Don't forge to take a littel water to the travel, warm clothes, afther sun cream, money...

    Good journey.

  24. I know, walking and walking.

    Sorry. bye.

  25. Don't worry, I understand you.
    About my travel, you must know that I can't waste my time, so I´ll go by plane.
    In Johanesburg I'll visit the gold mines. My boss has got a little one. Now the gold is expensive and it's a good moment to have dealings.
    Another day I say you more about my travel. Bye.

  26. The more beautiful stone for me is the emerald because it has my favorite color. I would like to have a little emerald. Don't say nothing!

    I borned the fifth day on october in a far year. Do you understand?

    See you tomorrow. Bye.
